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Our Little Family

Thursday, July 19, 2012

18 month old UpDaTe!

So it has literally been 3 months since I have updated my blog!..i cant believe it, it just seems like so much has happened these past few months! But i thought i would start it out with how my baby boy is 18 months old! he's a man now! no jk.

So this is the little whipper snapper that is 18 month old! is so amazing to sit and think of everything he can do at this age!..and to think last year all he could do was lay there and drool!

So this little tyke has been walking for 6 months now, he can say momma, daddy, ouch, wow, help, two, three, hot, what, duck,yay! and wee and his famous UH OH!..and he can say "up above the world" in the song twinkle twinkle, but its more or less babbled but clear enough for us to know what he's trying to say. I' am so proud of him being able to say these words, although when we try to get him to say any words for anyone he wont do it (of course.) He has 17 teeth! he loves Bubble Guppies it his favorite show!  and because of bubble guppies he is learning numbers. He loves to play in the water, every time we take him outside he heads right for the sprinkler. His favorite foods are pizza, lasagna, mac&cheese, Ramen noodles, french fries, chicken nuggets, and anything that has noodles in it.

So we turned his crib into a day bed in hope that he might sleep better this way, he felt claustrophobic in his crib, and it was a challenge trying to get him to sleep in it. He takes naps, and will sleep pretty well now in this, the only problem is he is use to sprawling out, so he has the tendency to roll out!..No bueno!

So about a month ago or so, maybe more, we discovered that Landon really likes to color and draw! at first we held off on giving him crayons or any writing utensil because we thought he would eat it or have no interest in it, we did however introduce him to My First Crayola and artsy stuff of that nature, but for some reason it didn't seem to interest him, until one day he got hold of a permanent marker and drew all over our couches!..PARTY FOWL! lol so when then decided we need to introduce this boy to coloring books! So we now give him crayons and coloring books under supervision and he loves to color!..he even has his own coloring position! if we see him doing this and we haven't given him a coloring book or crayons/markers, we know we are in trouble!

So you may all ready know from facebook that Wil and I bought him a little quad, and honestly we didn't have one of these in mind for him at least until he was five, just because i didn't think this young man would no how to operate such a thing, but one day he was playing with neighbors and their child had one of these and what did he do? he got right on the thing, pushed the button on the handle bars and took off!..I was amazed, at first it was little putters but then it was the real deal! he knew how to operate!..So finally we were able to get him one, and he now takes off down the street if we are not careful! gosh he never ceases to amaze me!

It sure has been an adventure being a mommy, i never knew exactly when the day would come that it would happen, but now that it has, i can honestly say my life has never been the same, and there is nothing more rewarding then watching a child that you are raising growing, and I am so happy that i stay home with him to watch him grow up, even though i wish it wouldn't go so fast, I'm making sure I'm enjoying and loving every minute of it!

Landon loves making new friends, he loves to play and be hyper with them, this is Landon's friend Jaxon, they have been friends since practically birth, and they always have so much fun together.

So besides with the tantrums, and the outrageous messes, he is one of the most loving boys ever, he loves animals and he is wiling to give a complete stranger a friendly wave and a hug, he understands emotion and is willing to give you a kiss to make you feel better, I'm so proud to be his mommy!

Where has time gone!